Vælkomin í Betri Banka
Vit bjóða tær hjartaliga vælkomnan í Betri Banka, og vit gleða okkum at heilsa uppá teg. We look forward to welcoming you as our customer. You will find all the information in English below.
Gerst kundi í Betri Banka
Okkara fremsta uppgáva er at veita okkara kundum góða ráðgeving. Harumframt ynskja vit, at tað skal vera so lætt og ómakaleyst hjá tær at vera kundi hjá okkum.
Niðanfyri kanst tú stovna teg og børn tíni sum kunda hjá okkum við tínum Samleika.
Um tú hevur útlendskt pass, skalt tú stovna teg sum kunda umvegis leinkið "Become a customer".
Become a customer at Betri Banki
We strive to provide our customers the best banking experience and making it as easy as possible being our customer.
In becoming our customer, you need to have:
- Samleikin (the Faroese digital identification)
- Letter of employment
- Documentation of your work permit
- Documentation of your TIN number, if this is not stat ed on your Passport
- Passport or driver´s license
Below you can upload information in order for you, as well as your children, to become a customer.
Read more about the costs of being a customer for a limited period.
Latið okkum hoyrast
Okkara endamál er at veita tær ráðgeving, sum hjálpir tær at hava eina haldgóða fíggjarstøðu. Tín ráðgevi er til reiðar, uttan mun til um talan er um lán til bústað ella hjálp til, hvussu tú kanst fáa pengarnar at røkka.